Protected nature
Visitor management and landscape conservation
To preserve the unique beauty and outstanding features of the Großer Arber for the future, much has been done in recent years to protect it. One important measure, for example, has been marking the long-established hiking trails to direct visitors. This prevents footfall damage caused by people straying from the path.
Diversions such as pasture fences and wooden planks have also been put in place to guide visitors along trails. Visitor information guides have been provided through a close partnership between the company Arber-Bergbahn, Bavarian Forest and Upper Bavarian Forest nature parks, and various nature conservation agencies.
Appropriate maintenance is performed to preserve rare plant communities such as the thin-soiled heathland. Cattle, mainly young bulls, once grazed as far up as the Großer Arber. Today’s natural landscapers are the sheep and goats who graze the entire summit plateau and ski slopes. Without cutting and grazing, these areas would become overgrown.
Nature conservation. For you. On the ground.
A full-time area management organisation for the Arber region, funded by the Bavarian Nature Conservation Fund, was established under this motto in the Bavarian Forest Nature Park back in 1994. This organisation is available to locals and visitors as a point of contact for nature conservation issues. Its duties include visitor guidance, public relations, monitoring, networking and advice, and positive development of the area through nature conservation programmes. A local management organisation also looks after the neighbouring Upper Bavarian Forest Nature Park.
Protect our countryside and enjoy the rewards!
Rare and protected plants only blossom on the Arber summit because of special protection and maintenance. Who do you think “mows” (or maybe ‘moos’) in the areas here late in the summer?